
9th International Bone Diagenesis Meeting


Please note that you need to REGISTER via the online registration system, in order to submit a paper.

Instructions for Talks and Posters

Instructions for talks and posters are the following:
* Talks: 15 min maximum (you will have 20 min including questions)
Posters: one flash talk of 3 min maximum (1-2 slides max) AND one poster A0 Portrait in pdf (which should not exceed 5MB) that we will display on a virtual platform in order to be visible from all the participants, whether online or present in Évora.

Also, we would be grateful if you could provide us:
* one version of the pdf of your poster until September 16th
* (online presenters) one version of the pdf of your talk and/or pdf of your flash talk the day before your presentation (the latest). We expect the presentations to be given live but in case you encounter any problem sharing your presentation, we will display your pdf and advance the slides as you talk.

For onsite presenters, your presentation will be uploaded to the conference computer before the morning or afternoon sessions.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline 20/06/2021
Early bird Registration Deadline 19/07/2021
BD2021 Meeting 21-24/09/2021